The only advantage to using these settings correctly is to share the list of global queues
accessed by the Global Hotkey feature. In practice, for debugging purposes, you would usually
just add QView to the exe or dll where you need to get access to queue(s).
To share the list of Global queues, check the "This is part of..." box wherever you add QView
and the "Export QView data..." box only in your root (or "data") application.
Force use of Local Library:
There were reports of intermittent problems with the template under C7. Symptom being that
the relevant .lib file (qview7l.lib / claqvwl.lib) was not added to a "local build" solution.
Underlying cause seems to be an issue with the %ApplicationLocalLibrary in-built symbol but
is was too erratic to reproduce and PTSS. If this problem strikes you, tick this checkbox to force
qview7l.lib into the solution.